Assuming the data generating process is:
\(Y = X_{sub}\beta+\varepsilon\)
where \(X_{sub}\) is a subset of the possible variables \(X\), using lasso to screen variables then applying OLS gives a biased estimate of the \(\hat{\beta}\) of interest. (See slides #8.)
beta_X = c()
for (i in 1:100) {
dgp = generate_data()
SL.library <- list(c("SL.lm", "screen.glmnet"))
sl_screening_lasso <- SuperLearner(Y = dgp$y,
X = data.frame(x=dgp$x, w=dgp$w), family = gaussian(),
SL.library = SL.library, cvControl = list(V=0))
# why this if ... else ... ?
if (names(sl_screening_lasso$fitLibrary$SL.lm_screen.glmnet$object$coefficients)[2]=="x") {
beta_X = c(beta_X, sl_screening_lasso$fitLibrary$SL.lm_screen.glmnet$object$coefficients[2])
} else {
beta_X = c(beta_X, 0)
beta_X_df <- data.frame(beta_X=beta_X)
ggplot(beta_X_df, aes(x = beta_X)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.02)
Assuming the data generating process is:
\(Y = X_{sub}\beta+\varepsilon\)
where \(X_{sub}\) is a subset of the possible variables \(X\), we can use Double Selection to get unbiased esimates for the \(\hat{\beta}\) of interest. (See slides #10 and #11.)
beta_X = c()
for (i in 1:100) {
dgp = generate_data()
SL.library <- lasso$names
sl_lasso <- SuperLearner(Y = dgp$y,
X = data.frame(x=dgp$x, w=dgp$w),
family = gaussian(),
SL.library = SL.library,
cvControl = list(V=0))
kept_variables <- which(get_lasso_coeffs(sl_lasso)!=0) - 1 # minus 1 as X is listed
kept_variables <- kept_variables[kept_variables>0]
sl_pred_x <- SuperLearner(Y = dgp$x,
X = data.frame(w=dgp$w),
family = gaussian(),
SL.library = lasso$names, cvControl = list(V=0))
kept_variables2 <- which(get_lasso_coeffs(sl_pred_x)!=0)
kept_variables2 <- kept_variables2[kept_variables2>0]
sl_screening_lasso <- SuperLearner(Y = dgp$y,
X = data.frame(x = dgp$x, w = dgp$w[, c(kept_variables, kept_variables2)]),
family = gaussian(),
SL.library = "SL.lm",
cvControl = list(V=0))
beta_X = c(beta_X, coef(sl_screening_lasso$fitLibrary$SL.lm_All$object)[2])
beta_X_df <- data.frame(beta_X=beta_X)
ggplot(beta_X_df, aes(x = beta_X)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.02)
Works only in the linear case.
We aim to create a function called doubleml
which takes
as input a vector X
, a dataframe W
and a
vector Y
, as well as a value for SL.library.X
, family.X
. Double ML is almost exactly the same as our
previous esimator, but we switch the samples and repeat the process.
Moreover, we will add a simple estimate of the standard error.
The framework for the function is given as follows:
doubleml <- function(X, W, Y, SL.library.X = "SL.lm", SL.library.Y = "SL.lm", family.X = gaussian(), family.Y = gaussian()) {
### STEP 1: split X, W and Y into 2 random sets
split <- sample(seq_len(length(Y)), size = ceiling(length(Y)/2))
Y1 = Y[split]
Y2 = Y[-split]
X1 = X[split]
X2 = X[-split]
W1 = W[split, ]
W2 = W[-split, ]
### STEP 2a: use a SuperLearner to train a model for E[X|W] on set 1 and predict X on set 2 using this model. Do the same but training on set 2 and predicting on set 1
sl_x1 = SuperLearner(Y = X1,
X = data.frame(W1),
newX= data.frame(W2),
family = family.X,
SL.library = SL.library.X,
cvControl = list(V=0))
x_hat_2 <- sl_x1$SL.predict
sl_x2 = SuperLearner(Y = X2,
X = data.frame(W2),
newX= data.frame(W1),
family = family.X,
SL.library = SL.library.X,
cvControl = list(V=0))
x_hat_1 <- sl_x2$SL.predict
### STEP 2b: get the residuals X - X_hat on set 2 and on set 1
res_x_2 <- X2 - x_hat_2
res_x_1 <- X1 - x_hat_1
### STEP 3a: use a SuperLearner to train a model for E[Y|W] on set 1 and predict Y on set 2 using this model. Do the same but training on set 2 and predicting on set 1
sl_y1 = SuperLearner(Y = Y1,
X = data.frame(W1),
newX= data.frame(W2),
family = family.Y,
SL.library = SL.library.Y,
cvControl = list(V=0))
y_hat_2 <- sl_y1$SL.predict
sl_y2 = SuperLearner(Y = Y2,
X = data.frame(W2),
newX= data.frame(W1),
family = family.Y,
SL.library = SL.library.Y,
cvControl = list(V=0))
y_hat_1 <- sl_y2$SL.predict
### STEP 3b: get the residuals Y - Y_hat on set 2 and on set 1
res_y_2 <- Y2 - y_hat_2
res_y_1 <- Y1 - y_hat_1
### STEP 4: regress (Y - Y_hat) on (X - X_hat) on set 1 and on set 2, and get the coefficients of (X - X_hat)
beta1 = (mean(res_x_1*res_y_1))/(mean(res_x_1*res_x_1))
beta2 = (mean(res_x_2*res_y_2))/(mean(res_x_2*res_x_2))
### STEP 5: take the average of these 2 coefficients from the 2 sets (= beta)
### STEP 6: compute standard errors (done for you). This is just the usual OLS standard errors in the regression res_y = res_x*beta + eps.
psi_stack = c((res_y_1-res_x_1*beta), (res_y_2-res_x_2*beta))
res_stack = c(res_x_1, res_x_2)
se = sqrt(mean(res_stack^2)^(-2)*mean(res_stack^2*psi_stack^2))/sqrt(length(Y))
We can now test this function on our dataset:
doubleml(X=dgp$x, W=dgp$w, Y=dgp$y, SL.library.X = "SL.xgboost", SL.library.Y = "SL.xgboost")
We can do this 100 times to demonstrate the performance of double ML.
beta_X = c()
se_X = c()
for (i in 1:100) {
dgp = generate_data()
DML = doubleml(X=dgp$x, W=dgp$w, Y=dgp$y, SL.library.X = "SL.xgboost", SL.library.Y = "SL.xgboost")
beta_X = c(beta_X, DML[1])
se_X = c(se_X, DML[2])
}, error = function(e) {
print(paste("Error for", i))
beta_X_df <- data.frame(beta_X=beta_X)
ggplot(beta_X_df, aes(x = beta_X)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.02)