1 Submission instructions

Create a folder called lab1_firstname_lastname. This folder should contain files called:

Zip this folder to lab1_firstname_lastname.zip and upload it to the link on the homepage.

2 Task

We aim to predict whether or not headlines are made by (at least somewhat) serious news sources or the Onion (sarcastic). This is a useful task if, say, we want to study types of sarcastic news articles during elections, or to study which subjects are more likely to be treated with humour.

2.1 Data

The training dataset contains 2500 headlines in approximately equal proportions from real and parodic news sources. The test dataset contains 1000 unlabelled headlines. You are to predict the labels on the test set. Download all the necessary data here.

This data comes from: Misra, Rishabh, and Prahal Arora. “Sarcasm detection using hybrid neural network.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.07414 (2019).

Some words are more frequent from parody headlines than serious headlines (dog, child, report, study), and other words are more frequent amongst serious headlines than parody headlines (trump, election, leaders, activist). Such asymetries suggest that we can distinguish satiric and serious headlines.

Log odds ratio of divisive words:

2.2 Data cleaning

Here is some code to help you clean the headlines. You may try cleaning them in other ways as well!

Set-up and load data:

##### SETUP #####


list.of.packages <- c("tidyverse", "stopwords", "tidytext", "scales", "reshape2", "glmnet",
                      "nnls", "quadprog", "SuperLearner", "ggplot2")

new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages, repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")

invisible(lapply(list.of.packages, library, character.only = TRUE))

select <- dplyr::select

##### READ DATA #####

train <- read_csv("train.csv") %>% mutate(id = row_number()) 

test <- read_csv("test.csv") %>% mutate(id = row_number()) 

Clean special characters and stopwords from headlines. Stopwords are common words that do not contain much information, such as ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘in’.

##### CLEAN WORDS #####

## in this part we clean the words in the headlines and create a dataframe in long form (one line per headline id and per word)

### get rid of stopwords 
stwds = stopwords::stopwords("en", source = "stopwords-iso") 

replace_reg <- "http[s]?://[A-Za-z\\d/\\.]+|&amp;|&lt;|&gt;"
unnest_reg  <- "([^A-Za-z_\\d#@']|'(?![A-Za-z_\\d#@]))"

tidy_headlines_train <- train %>%
  mutate(headline = str_replace_all(headline, replace_reg, "")) %>%
    word, headline, token = "regex", pattern = unnest_reg) %>%
  filter(!word %in% stwds, str_detect(word, "[a-z]"))

tidy_headlines_test <- test %>%
  mutate(headline = str_replace_all(headline, replace_reg, "")) %>%
    word, headline, token = "regex", pattern = unnest_reg) %>%
  filter(!word %in% stwds, str_detect(word, "[a-z]"))

Create a dataframe with a list of headline ids and dummy variables for the top 500 words:

##### GET TOP 500 WORDS #####

## in this part we want to create a dataframe with a list of headline ids and dummy variables for the top 500 words

# list of words in train that are also in test
list_of_words = tidy_headlines_train$word[tidy_headlines_train$word %in% tidy_headlines_test$word]

freq_words <- data.frame(word=list_of_words) %>%
  group_by(word) %>%
  mutate(n = n()) %>%
  unique() %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(-n) %>%
  .[1:500,] %>% # top 500 words

tidy_headlines_topwords_train <- tidy_headlines_train %>% 
  mutate(topwords = ifelse(word %in% freq_words$word, 1,0)) %>%
  mutate(word = ifelse(topwords==1, word, "no_top_word")) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(notopwords = 1-max(topwords)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(!(word=="no_top_word" & notopwords==0)) %>%
  select(-topwords, -notopwords) %>%
  unique() %>%
  dcast(id+is_sarcastic~word, function(x) 1, fill = 0) 

# saveRDS(tidy_headlines_topwords_train, "train_top500_words.rds")


tidy_headlines_topwords_test <- tidy_headlines_test %>% 
  mutate(topwords = ifelse(word %in% freq_words$word, 1,0)) %>%
  mutate(word = ifelse(topwords==1, word, "no_top_word")) %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  mutate(notopwords = 1-max(topwords)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(!(word=="no_top_word" & notopwords==0)) %>%
  select(-topwords, -notopwords) %>%
  unique() %>%
  dcast(id~word, function(x) 1, fill = 0) 

# saveRDS(tidy_headlines_topwords_test, "test_top500_words.rds")


Word embeddings is a method to map words into a 300 dimensional space that preserves certain characteristics of words. For example, similar words will be close together in the 300 dimensional space, so by converting words into vectors embeddings, we can model headlines by their meaning, not just by the words that they contain. We do this by taking the mean of the word embeddings of the words in the headlines.

The file GoogleNews-vectors-negative300-SLIM.txt contains an abridged version of word embeddings (300k words). The original contains 3 million words.


## in this part we want to get the word embeddings in 300 dimensional space for all the words in the headlines

w2v <- read_lines("GoogleNews-vectors-negative300-SLIM.txt")
# from https://github.com/eyaler/word2vec-slim/blob/master/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300-SLIM.bin.gz

words_embeddings_w2v <- regmatches(w2v, regexpr(" ", w2v), invert = TRUE) %>% unlist(.)
words_w2v = words_embeddings_w2v[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
embeddings_w2v = words_embeddings_w2v[c(FALSE, TRUE)]

list_of_words_test_train = c(tidy_headlines_train$word, tidy_headlines_test$word) %>% .[!duplicated(.)]

w2v_mat = matrix(nrow = length(list_of_words_test_train), ncol = 300)
for (i in 1:length(list_of_words_test_train)){
  j = which(words_w2v %in% list_of_words_test_train[i])
    w2v_mat[i,] = as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(embeddings_w2v[j], " ")))
  }, error = function(e) {
    print(paste("Cannot find ", list_of_words_test_train[i]))

word2vec_df = data.frame(w2v_mat)
word2vec_df = cbind(word= list_of_words_test_train, word2vec_df)
word2vec_df <- word2vec_df[complete.cases(word2vec_df),]


In this part we want to create a dataframe with a list of headline ids and word embeddings. We also add dummy variables for top words that are not embedded. We take the average of the word embeddings for each headline.


## in this part we want to create a dataframe with a list of headline ids and word embeddings. We also add dummy variables for top words that are not embedded
## we take the average of the word embeddings for each headline

### train ### 

tidy_w2v_train_1 <- tidy_headlines_train %>% # gets top 500 words not in w2v
  filter(word %in% freq_words$word & !(word %in% word2vec_df$word)) %>%
  unique() %>%
  dcast(id+is_sarcastic~word, function(x) 1, fill = 0) %>%
tidy_w2v_train_2 <- tidy_headlines_train %>% # gets word embeddings
  left_join(word2vec_df, by ="word") %>%
  filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
  select(-word, -is_sarcastic) %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  summarise_all(funs(mean(.))) %>%

tidy_w2v_train <- tidy_headlines_topwords_train %>% # combines previous two
  select(id, is_sarcastic) %>%
  left_join(tidy_w2v_train_2, by="id") %>%
  left_join(tidy_w2v_train_1, by="id") 

tidy_w2v_train[is.na(tidy_w2v_train)] = 0

### test ### 

tidy_w2v_test_1 <- tidy_headlines_test %>% # gets top 500 words not in w2v
  filter(word %in% freq_words$word & !(word %in% word2vec_df$word)) %>%
  unique() %>%
  dcast(id~word, function(x) 1, fill = 0) 

tidy_w2v_test_2 <- tidy_headlines_test %>% # gets word embeddings
  left_join(word2vec_df, by ="word") %>%
  filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
  select(-word) %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  summarise_all(funs(mean(.))) %>%

tidy_w2v_test <- tidy_headlines_topwords_test %>% # gets top 500 words not in w2v
  select(id) %>%
  left_join(tidy_w2v_test_2, by="id") %>%
  left_join(tidy_w2v_test_1, by="id") 

tidy_w2v_test[is.na(tidy_w2v_test)] = 0

2.3 Prediction

Use the cleaned data from the code above (tidy_headlines_topwords_train or tidy_w2v_train) to train your model. You can also clean the data in another way. Some tips:

  • Create your own test set with labels to test your models trained on the training set. Try to predict what your score will be on the unlabelled data using the labelled data that you have. Beware of overfitting, and remember training and testing on the same data will give you a biased estimate of the error on the unlabelled data

  • Use the option family = binomial() for categorical data

  • Use screening methods to reduce dimensionality first.

  • Reduce the dataset and/or don’t do cross validation (=0) for faster computation speed, and validate your methods on your own validation sets.

  • XGBoost is a method based on decision trees, but is faster than random forests. Approaches such as the elastic net (lasso, ridge), linear regression and SVM should also be fast.

Note on PCA: If you are going to use PCA to reduce dimension, then make sure you ‘train’ the dimensions on your training set, then project your validation data onto these dimensions (code example below).


### training set 
pcares <- PCA(training_data, ncp = 30, graph = FALSE)
training_data_pca <- pcares$ind$coord

### validation set
pcapred <- predict.PCA(pcares, data.frame(validation_data))
validation_data_pca <- pcapred$coord

2.4 Submission

You will need to submit your predictions for the test set. The format for this is very precise as it will be graded automatically. Please create a .txt file with exactly 1000 lines for the 1000 headlines in the test set. Each line should contain 1 or 0, where 1 is is_sarcastic and 0 otherwise. No headers, no commas, no semi-colons, no .csv, just 1000 lines in order of the original test csv file with 0s and 1s saved as .txt.

More important than the performance of your predictions on the test set is your report. The report should be less than 1 page, and should contain a description of your methodology, the parameters you chose, the performance of your model, the difficulties you faced and suggestions for improving the predictions.

Finally, please submit clean and documented code.

2.5 Grading

This homework is out of 20: 10 marks for your report and 10 marks for good performance on the test set.